

I've been discovering lately how much of my past I haven't tapped into in terms of material. I think that what a writer writes is mainly dictated by where they are in their life currently. But, in my case, there's a lack of tortured songwriteress lately. So I've been in a bit of slump. So why not flip back a couple decades and write about some of that, huh? Yeah, that's what I thought. Brilliant.

Anyway, there's a girl I grew up with who shall remain nameless. And I've had this idea in my handy dandy ideas folder for months and months now. And I scan that folder every day for something to write. But it's never jumped out at me for 2 reasons: 1. I wasn't 100% sure how to execute it and 2. I never felt like the person across from me would be into it.

Until today. Thank you, April Geesbreght, for "getting it". This song was inspired by running into a childhood friend I hadn't seen in years in the grocery store back home. In short, she looked sad and weathered and you could see the toll that life had had on her. When you encounter someone like that you expect to see the girl that you rode bicycles with, not the girl with pain in her eyes. Anyway, we wrote this song called "Jenny" about a girl who shall remain nameless. And although it was written by me for me, I think that everyone has a Jenny somewhere in their life. The person that your heart breaks for and you wish you could just hit rewind and undo what's been done to them. Jenny, I could love you if you'd let me.


  1. Very powerful and so true! Would love to hear the whole song sometime in the future.

  2. I would love to hear all of this song, as well!
