

You know those days that you just don't want to end? Yeah. This was one of those.

I never intended for this blog to be as simple as me telling you what I'm doing everyday. So, pardon me, while I tell you what i did today. I took the neighbor's dog on the most glorious run (yes, I'm basically neighbor of the century), went to the better-late-than-never 11:30 service at Cross Point, planted flowers, cleaned out the garage, cleaned off the deck furniture, went to town with the leaf blower (one of my all-time favorites. I'm my mother's daughter. We can do some damage with some lawn gadgets)....

THEN (cue the steel drums), it was time for some playtime. I walked across the street, held out my thumb and hitched a ride to the middle of the lake w/ my beau. We saw these badass women kayaking, a lesbian couple laying out topless, and our neighbors sitting on their back porch w/ binoculars checking it all out. It was...well....entertaining.

THEN (cure the steel drums, but a little louder than before), I had my water escort drop me off at our friend's house across the lake for a little pool party. In the process of schooling everyone in a game of 3-on-3 (in a bikini and sandals, I'll have you), I managed to tear huge blisters open on the balls of both of my feet. We're talking larger than quarter-sized. Full-on-paramedic first aid situation. It was the only kinda-not-amazing thing about this day. So if you see me walking like a grandma anytime in the next few weeks, there ya go!

To wrap this laundry list of a blog up, I would just like to say that some days I can't believe how lucky I am. To live in a world where I can bask in the sun and worship how I choose and cruise across the open water and sleep in clean sheets and plant flowers on my front porch. Thank you, God. You are really really really really good. Even if you DID let this day end :)

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