

This is why we went to North Carolina. Isn't that precious? Not as precious as my husband starting to cry in the middle of performing "I Saw God Today" (I think he misses his beautiful daughter)....but nonetheless, those kiddos were cute, cute, cute.

My personal highlight of the trip was getting to spend some extended quality time with the other writers' wives. I know we're more than just "the wives", but these last few days, we had that hat on. As many of you know, I am not an age-ist. And my husband happens to be quite a bit older than me. So when we go on trips of this nature, I end up being the baby of the group. And, let me just tell you, that while I can't really contribute when it comes to PTA and school testing and all things immunization, I can sit back and soak in these women's experience and wisdom- and all the beauty that comes with that. So, thank you Karen, Aly, and especially Amy (I know you're out there reading this!) for a great trip. Ya'll are wonderful mothers, wives, and women. Most importantly, you could all fit in in my hometown, which says a LOT.

I know you're going to try to comment and say "you're making me feel old" or "you're one of us" or whatever. But the truth is, I'm not. I realized this week that I have so much life and learning ahead of me on so many levels. And that is exciting.


  1. Ahhh- I'm such a fan of yours & was so encouraged by you this week.
    Several times you paralleled your "younger you" to Syd and I pray both literally & figuratively that she will STAY the course... I hope that she too will trust her talents and follow her passions... That she'll be confident enough to not fit in sometimes, but to still stick it out... That her "brutalness" will soften!

    Come back soon.
