

Sometimes you write a song. Sometimes you write part of a song. Sometimes you just talk. And sometimes you have a photo-shoot.

I'd like to think of myself as a one-stop-shop for all things creative. BAHAHA. Actually, I'm just wingin' pretty much every creative venture in my life. Faking it as if I know what I'm doing, when in all actuality, I'm more than under qualified in every aspect of the term. I was just offered several photography gigs the last few weeks. And, I'm constantly telling people "I don't know what I'm doing. I can't guarantee I'll get anything. I don't know how to use cameras. My camera isn't advanced enough." Apparently, they don't care.

Because whatdya know. We had the cameras clickin today on one of this blog's regulars, Molly Reed. She needed some shots for a pretty exciting project that, once she unveils it to the world, I will more than likely pimp out on here. Because that's what i do.


  1. These photos look incredible! You did an absolutely wonderful job!

  2. Those looks amazing and she looks gorgeous!
