

And so it continues...

It will be difficult for me to fully explain today's events in regards to our neighboring house. Here's a random recap. The owner came over asking if we had seen the family that was living in the house. Then he offered to sell the house to us. Then he said that the couple that lived there had been unreachable for 2 months, all their phones were disconnected and they had appeared to abandon the premises with all their stuff still in it. As if that wasn't weird enough, the owner looks like someone I've never seen before....that's because he has since lost 200+ lbs since they moved 8 months ago...it freaked me out! How can someone lose that much weight so fast? I must've stared like an idiotic. I was in disbelief. Anyway, there's a notice of inspection on all the doors. The dogs are gone. (somewhat of a blessing) The lights are off. The house is vacant. But all the cars are still in the driveway. Stay tuned, people.

Just when I thought this was over, it was really just getting good...

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