

Sometimes tradition is a tradition for a reason. Not just because it's the thoughtless way it's always been. Sometimes the way it's always been is the way it should be.

We live a very unconventional lifestyle around here. Rarely do we eat dinner together. Let alone in our house. Let alone at the table. Let alone something I cooked. But tonight, we broke the mold. I cooked a candlelit dinner while Rodney did some home improvement projects and worked in the yard. There was something about just sitting in the comfort of our home with the tv turned off staring at each other from across the table. We were more engaged in each other's conversation than we ever would have been down the street at our neighborhood mexican joint or downtown with friends.

And as for the cooking, I don't naturally love to cook. But the concept of serving somebody else is always, always, always fulfilling. I totally get how my grandma cooked three meals a day for 7 kids and a hungry husband and always had a pep in her step. To serve is to be satsified. I'm getting there, I can feel it.

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