

This was going down across the street from my grandma's house when we pulled into town today. I mean, when it's 100+ degrees in a town with no swimming pool, what do you expect? I live for these true Heart of America moments.

Speaking of the heart...mine was very full today. I got a phone call as I was pulling into Little River, KS for a wedding rehearsal that Jim Brickman played the piano track/solo on "The Giver & The Gift" today. Repeat: Jim Brickman played piano on "The Giver & The Gift". I know to some that might a) not be a very big deal and/or b) be a cheesy accomplishment. But, for me personally, it was one of those full circle moments. Here's why...

When I was 8, 9, 10 years old, I started having a desire to play songs on the piano outside of what I was learning in my lessons. So, I would save my birthday and special occasion money. We would drive to Hutchinson and mom would take me to Johnson's Music. If sheet music were candy, I was like a kid in a candy store. It was better than any toy or candy I could find anywhere. New music. (Funny how some things never change.) The wall of sheet music seemed to be 2 stories high because at the time I was so little. So I'd point and have mom grab the books I couldn't reach. Once I found something I liked, I'd ask permission to play one of the pianos in the store, which was a real treat, because at the time, we had a pretty crummy piano. So to play a shiny new instrument that had all the ivories was such a privilege. Anyway, back to my point. I used to LOVELOVELOVE to buy Jim Brickman piano music.

To think that I was 8 years old playing piano parts that Jim Brickman wrote...and that today Jim Brickman played a piano part I wrote....well....it's huge. Christmas in June just keeps on comin!

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