

We are completely saturated with music here in Nashville. Which makes it a little harder to recognize when an act is great. My songplugger describes it as eating a nice steak dinner every night for a few years. After awhile, it's hard to tell a great steak from an average one, because your relativities are all skewed. Well, enough about steaks. But I am in LOVE with this band Needtobreathe. By in love I really mean obsessed. They're not new by any means, just new to me.

Anyway, I was given their cd about a month ago, and it spread like wildfire through my life. I listen to it on my shuffle while I'm running (from front to back, not in a mix.). I listen to it in the bathroom while I'm doing my hair and makeup. I crank it up in the car on my way into town. All of that before 10:00 in the morning!

Got to see them play last night, and my obsession has gone to a new level. They have got the whole "lovable, humble rockstar" thing mastered. I was taking notes. One more thing: They're better than the record. I've never asked anything of my blog followers. Until now. Go buy their record on iTunes. You will not be sorry.

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