

I meet alot of people that say they were raised in a small town. And by small town they mean 50,000 people. I always have to bite my tongue and not rain on their so-called-rural parade. But, correction: that is not a small town.

If you had a McDonalds, it's not a small town.
If you had more than one elementary school, it's not a small town.
If you didn't date every boy in your grade, it's not a small town.
And, if you've never been to a street dance, you're not from a small town.

Tonight was my dad's 30-year class reunion in a neighboring town called Little River (no, not home to the Little River Band.). So, we made an appearance at their street dance. And we saw our hometown cover band, The Classics, rock and roll. I may or may not have sung a Bonnie Raitt cover with them at some point in the evening. :)

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