

Today was a good day. I wrote with the lovely Liz Rose. She just so happened to win a Grammy about a week ago. But you would never know it. She's as humble as Kanye is proud :) We wrote a song that I love. That last sentence is a blessing. Because I don't get to say that every day, or every week or month for that matter. Like I mentioned a few days ago, sometimes the distance between the days you write songs you love can be grueling. When it is, it just makes days like this that much sweeter. What's even more, is I feel like I have a new friend. And that doesn't happen everyday either.

The goodness continues...

I had an AWESOME run this afternoon. It really stunk at the time, but when I push through like I did, it is so rewarding.

The goodness continues again....

I came home and read through about 100+ letters from the sweet kids at Horace Mann. If you missed it a few days ago, this school is performing several of my songs in their spring program. I made a visit on Friday to hear how they are coming along. I was truly blown away. Tonight I finally got a chance to sit down and read through their letters. I'm telling you, a child's mind is one of the most enchanting gifts to the world. The innocence. The honesty. The unfiltered opinions. The disregard for politics. And in some cases, the hilariosity. (I made that word up.) I picked my top 10 favorites. They were chosen for all different reasons. But I want to remember them and I want those kids to know that I sat here and read every word. And I loved every word.

So, let's review: 1 Liz Rose + 5 great miles + 100 sweet letters = 1 GOOD DAY.


  1. I enjoy this blog so much. It's so varied. And that video with the kids singing your song was stirring.

  2. My favorite, maybe because I can remember when you were just like them!
