

You're so Nashville if you've ever closed out a tab in John Rich's elevator bar. Yeah, that's right. I said elevator bar. JR has caused quite a stir in the past few years with the construction of his monstrosity of a house. After seeing Mt. Richmore (not even kidding) for the first time tonight, I can say that it lived up to every bit of the hype. That complex is really something. NOTHING like it. The view itself is priceless. One of the highest points in this whole city. (The vid is from his roof.)

When I met John for the first time, he wasn't living in a complex. He was living in a condo in Hillsboro Village. I remember at the time I was looking for a way to stay in Nashville the summer after my freshman year at Belmont. John offered to get me an internship at Warner-Chappell Publishing, the company he was writing for the at time. Luckily, I scored another gig that paid (wink wink) and paid well (wink wink). But I was thinking tonight how ironic it is that I now write for Warner-Chappell.

Say what you will about his flamboyant, sometimes abrasive, personality. John Rich has always been a good friend to me and especially Rodney.

For example:
(tonight's conversation)

John: How's Rodney doin?
Me: He's great. Really great.
John: Will you please come over and meet my son Cash sometime? He needs to know my Coach. (Rodney)
Me: Of course!
John: Is his number still ***-****? (GETTING EVERY SINGLE NUMBER RIGHT off the top of his head after how many years?!)


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