

Wrote a hundred-percenter today. In our little songwriting bubble, that means "she done wrote that there song all by herself." (in your best country accent) I don't know if it's any good or not, but I finished. I tend to start alot of songs by myself. But, I'll eventually throw em out half-written to other people and we'll finish together. On one hand it's good. Because other people have a lot to offer me in the realm of writing. But on another hand, I need to keep my songwriting engine running on all cylinders. And the best way to do that, in my opinion, is to write by myself. I don't need to rely on someone else to affirm my every idea/word/lyric/melody. I am forced to trust my own ears and most importantly, my own heart. Because that's essentially the gasoline for my songwriting engine....my heart. And when I'm in the room with somebody else, I am prone to forget that.

With that said, I didn't leave the house until about 7:00pm tonight. And that was only to go on a very fancy dinner to Fazoli's.... (hence the cameo directing appearance by RDC). I never said I was classy, people. Country, yes. Classy, no.


  1. rodney dale, i don't know how you did it, but you just went up another notch in my book!

  2. Love this!! I'm dying to hear the song! I'm sure its incredible! :)
